A Blog About Life and Ministry in the "Pearl of the Antilles"

Zachary and Sharon Segaar-King, along with their children, Hannah, Vivian, Isaiah, and Esther, who are serving with Resonate Global Mission

Friday, April 24, 2020

A Time of Pain and Opportunity

The sun rises over a city in Southeast Asia that Zach visited in February. It was a privilege to see how Resonate mission staff are strengthening the church for mission in countries in Asia like this one where Christians make up a few percent of the population. Only weeks after Zach took this photo, COVID-19 impacted this country significantly.

These days the nations are in turmoil. COVID-19 has overturned the order of this world. International and in-country travel has slowed nearly to a halt. Governments have banned nearly every kind of gathering, including those of churches. Offices and businesses are shuttered. Finally, huge portions of the world’s population are sheltering in their homes. The pandemic respects no human distinctions—the rich and powerful are susceptible just as are the poor and oppressed. Everything that human beings thought could protect them has been proven useless as no vaccine or treatment exists for the illness. Into this context our mission workers in North America and around the world have an unprecedented opportunity to share the one  thing that can provide shelter and safety in times of fear and despair: the good news of Jesus Christ. Without a doubt, these are difficult times for mission workers. Without face-to-face communication, they depend on video conferencing, social media, and cell phones to reach outside their homes. Many governments are taking advantage of this pandemic as an opportunity to suppress influences that they do not welcome like the gospel. Pray that God will give Resonate church planters, campus ministers, international missionaries and other gospel workers strength, perseverance and grace in this time of opportunity.

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