A Blog About Life and Ministry in the "Pearl of the Antilles"

Zachary and Sharon Segaar-King, along with their children, Hannah, Vivian, Isaiah, and Esther, who are serving with Resonate Global Mission

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Segaar-King May Update

Our children hold their newest pet, a poul kreyol (Creole Chicken).  Besides making great soup, Haitian chickens make good pets too.  They eat anything, thrive when handled roughly, and know how to get away from dogs.


Earlier in the year, Hannah had three pet lovebirds die.  The chicken has already survived several months looking none the worst for wear!
Dear Friends and Family:

 Thank you for your prayers and support of our ministry in Haiti.  There have been many times recently when we have felt the heavy burden of the ministry that we pursue daily in Haiti.  It is at these times we are reminded of Jesus’ teaching that his yoke is easy and his burden is light (Matthew 11:30).  The work in Haiti is not our own, it is God’s, and we give thanks that you, our supporters and prayer partners, lift up this work before our heavenly Father.  Without your support, prayers, and God’s faithfulness, we could not continue.  Thank you!

 Please join us in giving thanks for:
-A remarkable Timothy Training event on May.  We had a huge turnout of new students who took the module on Pastoral Care.  We graduated our first two “Master Trainers” (students who have completed all the translated materials) and a solid group of first level grads too. 
-Profitable opportunities to teach our group of theological students Pentecostal Theology.  We helped our colleague, Larry Luth, teach Reformed Theology as well.  The group will be graduating in August.
-Our lucky thirteenth wedding anniversary on May 20.
-The successful completion of the school-year for Hannah, Isaiah, and Vivian.
Please join us in praying for:
-The pressure to complete our “ministry-year” well.  June will be full of planning, evaluations, and strategic discussion about coming events.
-A great week for a team of visitors from Peace Community Church of Frankfort, IL coming to Haiti in June.
-Grace and wisdom to bring healing to the many difficult situations that we are asked to assist with.
-A successful six weeks of study leave in Michigan where Zach will be working on his Ph.D study in New Testament missiology (study of the mission of the early church).
-Pray for patience and healing for Sharon and her fractured knee.  She will be getting treatment in July.

Thanks for your prayers and support,
Zachary, Sharon, Hannah, Isaiah, Vivian and Esther Segaar-King
Missionaries to Haiti
Christian Reformed World Missions

B.Y.O.M.: Bring Your Own Mule

Walking on the paths near Laflo during the dry season.

Trees are in bloom in Laflo during the dry season.  Unfortunately, the women's conference will happen in June when the roads are often impassable because women cannot make the trip to Laflo while their children are still in school.
Every June we request prayer for the annual Women’s Conference that Sharon assists the Christian Reformed Church of Haiti (CRCH) to organize.  In order to avoid making the conference dependent on mission funds, we have no budget for the project intentionally.  Instead, the conference is mainly funded by the participants and the local congregations in the area where it takes place.  This year the conference will happen in Laflo, a small community in the Central Plateau area of Haiti.  There are no actual roads to Laflo, so, if it rains, the unimproved paths are inaccessible to every form of transportation other than mule and donkey.  Since Sharon fractured her knee-cap in February, she will have to weigh the pain of riding a mule to Laflo against the risks of driving a car on the dangerous and muddy paths (or not going to conference at all).  This annual women’s conference is a highlight for the life of the churches—encouraging women to grow in their faith while struggling to feed and educate their children (men are often unstable in the Haitian family, frequently leaving their children and common-law wives to fend for themselves).  Pray that if it is God’s will, Sharon can participate.  But most of all pray that the churches and women who attend will be blessed and encouraged.


Worshippers walking to the Laflo church