A Blog About Life and Ministry in the "Pearl of the Antilles"

Zachary and Sharon Segaar-King, along with their children, Hannah, Vivian, Isaiah, and Esther, who are serving with Resonate Global Mission

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Seeing the World through Scripture

The idea that Haitians themselves can change the future of the their country is often considered naive or false by many.  Yet, it is the only solution.
We hope that perhaps one leader we train may go on to become the kind of dynamic influence that could bring change to the country.
After years of serving in Haiti, one becomes convinced that the definitive answer for the improvement of country lies not in programs, good ideas, or in the endless stream of aid coming from charitable organizations around the world.  If this were the solution, Haiti's problems would have been solved long ago.  The real, long-lasting solution for the challenges facing Haiti is the transformation of the minds and hearts of the Haitian people to more and more resemble the ideals shown in Scripture.  That was the goal of our Christian Worldview Training which happened 18-20 October, 2016.  The theme verse was Romans 12:2, “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”  The patterns of thinking accepted by “this world” are holding Haiti back.  For example, corruption, bribery and stealing by those in power and influence have been pervasive on all levels of Haitian government for many decades.  The result is that today, a number of key functions in the Haitian government (including education, electricity generation and potable water) are practically non-existent, leaving Haiti’s people to pay the price.  Jealousy and envy in the Haitian family and community means that even well-intentioned and motivated young people rarely get access to the kind of education that could allow them to give back to their society.  A lack of trust in society means that it is extremely difficult for enterprising Haitians to get access to capital to start the kinds of business that would lift the country out of poverty.  All of these challenges point to an underlying problem much more profound than a lack of material (money, energy, water, etc.).  Our prayer is that training like the kind we did in October will transform the hearts and minds of the next generation of Haitian leaders so that the basic situation of the country will change.

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