A Blog About Life and Ministry in the "Pearl of the Antilles"

Zachary and Sharon Segaar-King, along with their children, Hannah, Vivian, Isaiah, and Esther, who are serving with Resonate Global Mission

Wednesday, February 15, 2017


After five years of late nights, early mornings, and no little amount of stress, Zach finally graduated from his PhD program in New Testament at the Free University of Amsterdam.  The defense ceremony required a tuxedo, two "supporters," and a series of tough questions from five "opponents."  It was such a blessing to finish this long odyssey of education at such a great university.  Thanks to Sharon who put up with all of Zach's work, our children who probably got less attention than they deserve, and Bert Jan Lietaert Peerbolte and Peter Ben Smit who were his supervisors.  Thanks also to God who gave Zach the strength to start and finish well.
The Diploma

The Free University was founded by the famous statesman and theologian, Abraham Kuyper.  Here is Zach next to his statue.

Zach on the "hot-seat," being examined by five "very" or "highly learned opponents" (the official terms). The questions were actually quite difficult.  Luckily, Zach had no shortage of words, even if some weren't that smart.  Louis and Andreanna, Zach's father and sister, were his "supporters" or paranymphs.  Their job was to answer questions if Zach passed out.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations, Zach! And good news that your family is reunited. We're looking forward to seeing you soon as our team from RCRC arrives tomorrow. Blessings!
    Gary Harris
