A Blog About Life and Ministry in the "Pearl of the Antilles"

Zachary and Sharon Segaar-King, along with their children, Hannah, Vivian, Isaiah, and Esther, who are serving with Resonate Global Mission

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Be exalted, O God, above the heavens, let your glory be over all the earth....Psalm 57

A mountain road cutting through the red soil of the Furcy area

The steeple of a church hidden in the mists that often hide the mountain tops in the Furcy area
One of the many waterfalls in the valleys of the Kenscoff mountains where Zach did some hiking.

Pic la Selle (2,680 meters) or 8,800 feet), the highest point in Haiti, hidden in the clouds
Throughout the history, God's people have often sought solace and comfort in the handiwork of the Creator.  In fact, Christian theologians from all schools of thought have taught that while Creation cannot reveal a "saving" knowledge of God (i.e., teach us how God became man, in Jesus Christ, and died for our sins, etc.), it can reveal some very important aspects of God's character (for those of you theologians....this is called 'natural revelation').  The Creation shows us the power, the majesty, the purity, the grace, the love, and the humor of God himself.  Zach had a chance to receive the message God communicates so powerfully through is Creation several weeks ago during a day spent hiking in Haiti's beautiful countryside.  Many don't realize the beauty of Haiti's rugged and mountainous land, but hopefully the pictures above will convince you!  Zach them in the Furcy area just south of Port-au-Prince.  It was amazing to enjoy the powerful evidence of God's majesty and love for us.  One thing that was very interesting is that even among this great natural beauty, there is so little opportunities to hear the message which cannot be communicated through the nature--the message of Jesus Christ communicated in Scripture.  After hiking and driving many miles through the Furcy area, Zach saw only one church, a small Catholic church.  The reality is that in the isolated rural areas of Haiti, there are very few evangelical churches.  Pray for the efforts of many Haitian pastors (like the ones we train and encourage) to plant churches in these isolated parts of Haiti so that people can see the beauty of God's creation and learn about the salvation he offers in Christ Jesus.

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